Fun Things to Do With Kids (That Are Secretly Educational)

With the kids getting out of school for Winter Break in just a week or two, you may be struggling to come up with ideas to keep your kids, busy, active, and learning while they are off for the holiday. With just a little creativity and planning, you are guaranteed to pack your child’s holiday break with a plethora of fun things to do with kids. Here are a few ideas to help you brainstorm ideas that are both educational and will delight the kids.

1. The Library

Easily one of the least expensive, most simple and most educational of all educational activities for children is a trip to the library. Going to the library reinforces the value that books and reading are important to your family. What is more, children of any age are guaranteed to find reading materials or activities that engage their interests. For very young children, librarians often offer story time with a local author or member of the community.

2. Get Outdoors

Getting out into nature for fresh air and sunshine is a great educational and physical activity for kids that will keep them learning, even though it probably will not feel like it. Particularly if your children show an interest in the sciences, they will love learning the different names of birds, trees, and wildlife. With little more than a basket of sandwiches and a pair of binoculars your whole family is guaranteed to have a day’s worth of fun and learning.

3. The Art Gallery

For another way to help your children develop their refined tastes is a trip to the art gallery or museum. While usually this is more suitable for older children, there are plenty of museums and galleries that do cater to very young children. Typically, these exhibitions will be more interactive than your typical exhibit, often allowing the children to explore the artwork in a physical or tactile way. If your children show proclivities for drawing or coloring, this might be the perfect activity!

4. Museums

While many kids often write museums off as being boring or dull, in truth there are a number of museums that will amaze and delight children of any age. Often it helps to give your kids a choice in which museum you go to in order to increase their engagement and buy-in. From science to history, you are bound to find age appropriate museum exhibitions.

5. A Middle Ages Exhibition

For a historically accurate educational activity, a trip to a renaissance fair or Middle Ages exhibition can be a thrill for children. Often, this type of experience will place you back in another time so you can experience what life was like back then. From seeing and wearing royal garments, to eating with your hands, to seeing real live jousting tournaments, your children will be amazed by the sight of knights on horseback.

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